Thursday, November 15, 2012


Introduction to my blog

Dear family, friends and fellow seekers,

As a sinner saved by grace, as one who senses God calling me away from a life filled with distractions and complexities, and as one who hears God calling me to a life consecrated wholly to him and to his kingdom, I am about to embark on an intentional trip to the ‘desert’ in order to experience stillness, silence and solitude.  My goal is to search for a deeper walk with God. 

To simply live by faith and to be more open to the Holy Spirit’s promptings, I am attempting to release some of my ‘attachments’ (possessions, need to be ‘significant’, etc. ).  

During the last six weeks I have not renewed the lease on my apartment in Grand Haven, have sold my two cars, have given away most of my furniture and have stored the remaining possessions.  I bought a 2007 Honda Odyssey minivan into which I have packed a sleeping bag, air mattress and tent.

I now have set out on a spiritual quest with some trepidation but mostly with hope, faith and trust.  I wish willingly to die to my old self and to surrender totally to him and his will.

I invite you to follow me on this journey.  If you desire to do so, please sign up in the ‘Follow by Email’ box and submit.  I invite you also to pray for me.

My sister and brother-in-law Mary and Casey Nash have graciously allowed me to use their address to receive mail.  It is 11479 156th Avenue, West Olive, MI 49460.

May the peace of Christ surround you and your family during this Christmas season and New Year.

